Likert data analyses

This document shows several different analyses of a single Likert-type item. It is by no means exhaustive.

If you want to skip the details, there is a summary of the results at the bottom of the document.



options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)


Read in likert-type data from the “blinded with science” study. The study has 4 experiments. In each experiment, each participant is either shown a text about a hypothetical drug (“no graph” condition) or the same text with a chart (“graph” condition). The participant is then asked to assess to what extent the drug is effective, on a scale from 1 to 7. We focus on this data here. The study has another dependent variable that’s more important (error of the response to a comprehension question) but it’s not Likert-type data.

Let’s read in the data:

blinded <- read_csv("blinded.csv",
  col_types = cols(
    experiment = col_integer(),
    condition = col_character(),
    effectiveness = col_integer()
  )) %>%
    experiment = paste0("e", experiment),
    condition = fct_recode(condition, `no graph` = "no_graph")
experiment condition effectiveness
e1 no graph 7
e1 graph 6
e1 no graph 9
e1 no graph 4
e1 graph 6
e1 no graph 7

It looks like this:

blinded %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = ordered(effectiveness))) +
  stat_count() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(condition), cols = vars(experiment)) +


Bootstrap CI

For each experiment, compute the difference between the two means and its 95% bootstrap CI.

First, we’ll create a helper function to compute bootstrap CIs in a tidy way (with broom-compatible output):

tidy_bootstrap_mean_diff <- function(group1, group2, conf.level = 0.95, R = 1000, seed = 98432098) {
  set.seed(seed) # make deterministic
  bootstrap_samples <- two.boot(sample1 = group1, sample2 = group2, FUN = function(x, d) mean(x[d]), R = R)
  bootci <-, type = "bca", conf = conf.level)
    estimate = mean(group1) - mean(group2),
    conf.low = bootci$bca[4],
    conf.high = bootci$bca[5]

Now we’ll apply that function within each experiment:

result_boot = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
    filter(., condition == "no graph")$effectiveness,
    filter(., condition == "graph")$effectiveness
  )) %>%
    method = "bootstrap",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment estimate conf.low conf.high method estimate_type
e1 0.1842940 -0.3678110 0.7083115 bootstrap mean
e2 0.2375279 -0.2477667 0.7425197 bootstrap mean
e3 -0.1250000 -0.5962644 0.3140045 bootstrap mean
e4 0.9250000 0.4250000 1.3875000 bootstrap mean


For each experiment, compute the difference between the two means, its 95% t-based CI and the p-value.

We’ll use the broom::tidy function, which cleans up test and model outputs into a common tidy format:

result_t = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(tidy(t.test(effectiveness ~ fct_rev(condition), data = .))) %>%
    method = "t-test",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment estimate estimate1 estimate2 statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method alternative estimate_type
e1 0.1842940 6.758064 6.573771 0.7160629 0.4753364 120.6314 -0.3252560 0.6938441 t-test two.sided mean
e2 0.2375279 6.531646 6.294118 0.9498784 0.3435891 161.9850 -0.2562726 0.7313285 t-test two.sided mean
e3 -0.1250000 6.215909 6.340909 -0.5345334 0.5936570 173.4708 -0.5865553 0.3365553 t-test two.sided mean
e4 0.9250000 6.850000 5.925000 3.9320715 0.0001328 137.9469 0.4598477 1.3901523 t-test two.sided mean


Compute the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and p-value. The estimate (and 95% CIs) in this are for the median of the difference between samples (not the difference in the medians).

result_wilcoxon = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(tidy(wilcox.test(effectiveness ~ fct_rev(condition), data = ., = TRUE, exact = FALSE, correct = FALSE))) %>%
    method = "wilcoxon",
    estimate_type = "Hodges–Lehmann"

experiment estimate statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method alternative estimate_type
e1 0.0000392 2020.0 0.4994453 -0.0000255 0.9999686 wilcoxon two.sided Hodges–Lehmann
e2 0.0000058 3697.0 0.2499520 -0.0000405 0.9999722 wilcoxon two.sided Hodges–Lehmann
e3 -0.0000206 3648.0 0.4954543 -0.9999611 0.0000035 wilcoxon two.sided Hodges–Lehmann
e4 0.9999774 4205.5 0.0003968 0.0000513 1.0000109 wilcoxon two.sided Hodges–Lehmann

Beta regression

For an argument for the use of Beta regression on data like this (in a frequentist mode), see here. There are two tricky bits: (1) the data needs to be rescaled to be in ((0,1)); in the case of a Likert item response in ([1,k]) a natural approach might be to divide the values by (k + 1), in this case, 10. (2) Getting estimates of mean differeneces on the original scale is a pain—for the frequentist version I won’t do this, but for the Bayesian version I will (because I actually know how to do that).

First, we’ll fit a beta regression within each experiment, using default priors:

models_beta_freq = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(model = betareg(I(effectiveness/10) ~ condition, data = .))

Then we’ll get an estimate for the log odds ratio between conditions:

result_beta_freq = models_beta_freq %>% 
  mutate(fits = list(tidy(model, = TRUE))) %>%
  unnest(fits) %>%
  filter(term == "conditionno graph", component == "mean") %>%
    method = "beta regression",
    estimate_type = "log odds ratio"

experiment component term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high method estimate_type
e1 mean conditionno graph 0.0938033 0.1148526 0.8167279 0.4140840 -0.1313037 0.3189104 beta regression log odds ratio
e2 mean conditionno graph 0.0858581 0.1062866 0.8077980 0.4192069 -0.1224598 0.2941760 beta regression log odds ratio
e3 mean conditionno graph -0.0331576 0.0974875 -0.3401215 0.7337650 -0.2242297 0.1579144 beta regression log odds ratio
e4 mean conditionno graph 0.3792764 0.1008401 3.7611663 0.0001691 0.1816334 0.5769194 beta regression log odds ratio

Bayesian Beta regression

This is a Bayesian formulation of Beta regression. I show the Bayesian approach here because it makes it easier to generate marginal means on the original scale (and intervals on them).

First, we’ll fit a beta regression within each experiment, using default priors:

set.seed(31818) # for reproducibility
models_beta = blinded %>%
  nest(-experiment) %>%
  mutate(model = map(data, ~ stan_betareg(I(effectiveness/10) ~ condition, data = .)))

Then we’ll get an estimate for the predicted marginal means in each condition, and then find the posterior distribution for the difference in those means:

result_beta = models_beta %>% 
  mutate(draws = map(model, fitted_draws, data_grid(blinded, condition))) %>%
  unnest(draws) %>%
  # .value contains draws from marginal means on 0-1 scale,
  # transform back to original scale
  mutate(.value = .value * 10) %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  # get draws from distribution of difference in marginal means
  compare_levels(.value, by = condition) %>%
  median_qi(.value) %>%
  to_broom_names() %>%
    method = "beta reg (Bayes)",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment condition estimate conf.low conf.high .width .point .interval method estimate_type
e1 no graph - graph 0.2068054 -0.3386470 0.7439835 0.95 median qi beta reg (Bayes) mean
e2 no graph - graph 0.1969086 -0.3028945 0.6892134 0.95 median qi beta reg (Bayes) mean
e3 no graph - graph -0.0780379 -0.5545330 0.3892573 0.95 median qi beta reg (Bayes) mean
e4 no graph - graph 0.8675340 0.3785523 1.3324362 0.95 median qi beta reg (Bayes) mean

Ordinal logistic regression

Another model often applied to Likert-type data is ordinal models. Ordinal models come in plenty of flavors; we’ll use a cumulative link logisitic regression model (also often called ordinal logisitic regression), which is a common variety.

models_ord_freq = blinded %>%
  nest(-experiment) %>%
  mutate(model = map(data, ~ clm(ordered(effectiveness, levels = as.character(1:9)) ~ condition, data = .)))

Then we’ll get an estimate for the log odds ratio between conditions:

result_ord_freq = models_ord_freq %>% 
  mutate(fit = map(model, ~ tidy(pairs(emmeans(., ~ condition), reverse = TRUE), infer = TRUE))) %>%
  unnest(fit) %>%
    conf.low = asymp.LCL,
    conf.high = asymp.UCL
  ) %>%
  select(-data, -model) %>%
    method = "ordinal reg",
    estimate_type = "log odds ratio"

experiment level1 level2 estimate std.error df conf.low conf.high z.ratio p.value method estimate_type
e1 no graph graph 0.2196451 0.3239103 Inf -0.4152075 0.8544976 0.6781045 0.4977054 ordinal reg log odds ratio
e2 no graph graph 0.3239302 0.2803893 Inf -0.2256227 0.8734831 1.1552873 0.2479728 ordinal reg log odds ratio
e3 no graph graph -0.1839185 0.2689883 Inf -0.7111257 0.3432888 -0.6837416 0.4941384 ordinal reg log odds ratio
e4 no graph graph 1.0401772 0.2938706 Inf 0.4642013 1.6161531 3.5395752 0.0004008 ordinal reg log odds ratio

Bayesian Ordinal logistic regression

We’ll do an ordinal logistic regression in a Bayesian manner because it will make it easier to get estimates of marginal means on the original scale afterwards:

set.seed(221818) # for reproducibility
models_ord = blinded %>%
  nest(-experiment) %>%
  mutate(model = map(data, ~ brm(
    effectiveness ~ condition, data = ., family = cumulative(link = "logit"),
    prior = c(prior(normal(0, 1), class = b), prior(normal(0, 5), class = Intercept)),
    control = list(adapt_delta = .99)
## Compiling the C++ model

## Start sampling

## Warning: There were 17 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing adapt_delta above 0.99 may help. See

## Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

## Compiling the C++ model

## recompiling to avoid crashing R session

## Start sampling

## Compiling the C++ model

## recompiling to avoid crashing R session

## Start sampling

## Compiling the C++ model

## recompiling to avoid crashing R session

## Start sampling

Then pull out the estimates:

result_ord = models_ord %>%
  mutate(draws = map(model, fitted_draws, data_grid(blinded, condition), value = "P(effectiveness|condition)")) %>%
  unnest(draws) %>%
  # calculate marginal means
  group_by(experiment, condition, .draw) %>%
  mutate(effectiveness = as.numeric(as.character(.category))) %>%
  summarise(.value = sum(effectiveness * `P(effectiveness|condition)`)) %>%
  # distribution of difference in marginal means
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  compare_levels(.value, by = condition) %>%
  median_qi(.value) %>%
  to_broom_names() %>%
    method = "ordinal reg (Bayes)",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment condition estimate conf.low conf.high .width .point .interval method estimate_type
e1 no graph - graph 0.1493229 -0.2974109 0.6274117 0.95 median qi ordinal reg (Bayes) mean
e2 no graph - graph 0.2609498 -0.1929479 0.7012135 0.95 median qi ordinal reg (Bayes) mean
e3 no graph - graph -0.1479609 -0.5556217 0.2641531 0.95 median qi ordinal reg (Bayes) mean
e4 no graph - graph 0.7433414 0.3269262 1.1717870 0.95 median qi ordinal reg (Bayes) mean

Robust regression

We’ll use a robust, heteroskedastic linear regression: a Student t error distribution instead of Gaussian error distribution, and estimate a different variance parameter for each group. This is essentially Kruschke’s BEST test (a Bayesian, robust, hetereoskedastic alternative to the t-test), but estimated using a frequentist procedure instead of a Bayesian one:

gamlss_fixed = function(..., data) {
  # gamlss has a bug where it does not work if `data` is not in the global environment (!!!!)
  temp_df <<- data
  gamlss(..., data = temp_df)

models_robust = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(model = gamlss_fixed(effectiveness ~ condition, sigma.formula = ~ condition, family = "TF", data = .))
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 431.1339 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 431.0836 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 431.0688 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 431.0642 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 431.0627 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 431.0623 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 613.3834 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 613.0218 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 612.8633 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 612.7906 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 612.7573 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 612.7422 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 7: Global Deviance = 612.7352 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 8: Global Deviance = 612.7321 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 9: Global Deviance = 612.7307 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 10: Global Deviance = 612.7301 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 650.9131 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 650.8548 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 650.834 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 650.8244 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 650.82 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 650.818 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 7: Global Deviance = 650.8171 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 566.1012 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 566.0954 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 566.0953

Then pull out the estimates:

result_robust = models_robust %>%
  mutate(estimates = list(tidy(pairs(emmeans(model, ~ condition), reverse = TRUE), infer = TRUE))) %>%
  unnest(estimates) %>%
  rename(conf.low = asymp.LCL, conf.high = asymp.UCL) %>%
  select(-model) %>%
    method = "robust",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment level1 level2 estimate std.error df conf.low conf.high z.ratio p.value method estimate_type
e1 no graph graph 0.1622952 0.2443460 Inf -0.3166142 0.6412047 0.6642023 0.5065608 robust mean
e2 no graph graph 0.2658205 0.2330350 Inf -0.1909198 0.7225608 1.1406890 0.2539994 robust mean
e3 no graph graph -0.1486377 0.2306292 Inf -0.6006625 0.3033872 -0.6444877 0.5192592 robust mean
e4 no graph graph 0.8255227 0.2621779 Inf 0.3116634 1.3393820 3.1487117 0.0016399 robust mean

Truncated regression

Or how about a truncated normal regression? As before, we’ll also include hetereoskedasticity.

gen.trun(c(min(blinded$effectiveness - 0.5), max(blinded$effectiveness) + 0.5), type = "both")
## A truncated family of distributions from NO has been generated 
##  and saved under the names:  
##  dNOtr pNOtr qNOtr rNOtr NOtr 
## The type of truncation is both 
##  and the truncation parameter is 0.5 9.5
models_trun = blinded %>%
  group_by(experiment) %>%
  do(model = gamlss_fixed(effectiveness ~ condition, sigma.formula = ~ condition, family = "NOtr", data = .))
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 427.0338 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 426.9323 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 426.9306 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 426.9305 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 606.3642 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 606.1256 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 606.12 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 606.1197 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 643.449 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 643.361 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 643.3602 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 561.0226 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 560.0491 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 560.044 
## GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 560.0439

Then pull out the estimates:

result_trun = models_trun %>%
  mutate(estimates = list(tidy(pairs(emmeans(model, ~ condition), reverse = TRUE), infer = TRUE))) %>%
  unnest(estimates) %>%
  rename(conf.low = asymp.LCL, conf.high = asymp.UCL) %>%
  select(-model) %>%
    method = "truncated",
    estimate_type = "mean"

experiment level1 level2 estimate std.error df conf.low conf.high z.ratio p.value method estimate_type
e1 no graph graph 0.2021199 0.3305656 Inf -0.4457768 0.8500166 0.6114364 0.5409107 truncated mean
e2 no graph graph 0.2134473 0.3410293 Inf -0.4549578 0.8818523 0.6258914 0.5313862 truncated mean
e3 no graph graph -0.1070935 0.2847916 Inf -0.6652748 0.4510878 -0.3760416 0.7068860 truncated mean
e4 no graph graph 0.8304402 0.2864398 Inf 0.2690285 1.3918520 2.8991786 0.0037414 truncated mean

Summary of results

First, we’ll stick all the result data frames together into a single tidy data frame:

results = bind_rows(
) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    method = fct_reorder(method, estimate, max, .desc = TRUE),
    `estimate type` = estimate_type,
    `95% interval contains 0` = conf.low < 0 & 0 < conf.high

Here are the estimates:

results_plot = results %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = estimate, xmin = conf.low, xmax = conf.high, y = method, shape = `estimate type`, color = `95% interval contains 0`)) +
  geom_pointrangeh() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(experiment)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = . %>% map(function(x) bquote(underline(.(x))))) +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = "#4466ff"))

results_plot_original_units = results_plot %+% 
  filter(results, estimate_type != "log odds ratio") +
  xlab("no graph - graph, original units") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(-1,0,1))


Pretty much however you do it the results come out the same. The above plots show estimates that are in the original units. The Wilcoxon estimates look weird, but it is also estimating a slightly different quantity (median of the differences), so that probably isn’t too surprising.

From two of the models we have also output estimates on a log-odds scale:

results_plot_log_odds = results_plot %+% 
  filter(results, estimate_type == "log odds ratio") +
  guides(shape = FALSE) +
  xlab("graph - no graph, log odds ratio")


While these are both on the log odds scale, they are measuring log odds of different things, so it is hard to compare the values directly. It does look like if they were scale by their variances they might be similar.

Finally, the p values from all methods (where p values are provided):

p_value_plot = results %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = p.value, y = method, color = p.value < 0.05)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(experiment)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.05, linetype = "dashed")

## Warning: Removed 12 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Or the same chart on a log scale:

p_value_plot + 
## Warning: Removed 12 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

And as a table:

results %>%
  arrange(experiment) %>%
  select(experiment, method, statistic, p.value, estimate, estimate_type, conf.low, conf.high)
experiment method statistic p.value estimate estimate_type conf.low conf.high
e1 bootstrap NA NA 0.1842940 mean -0.3678110 0.7083115
e1 t-test 0.7160629 0.4753364 0.1842940 mean -0.3252560 0.6938441
e1 wilcoxon 2020.0000000 0.4994453 0.0000392 Hodges–Lehmann -0.0000255 0.9999686
e1 beta reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.2068054 mean -0.3386470 0.7439835
e1 beta regression 0.8167279 0.4140840 0.0938033 log odds ratio -0.1313037 0.3189104
e1 ordinal reg NA 0.4977054 0.2196451 log odds ratio -0.4152075 0.8544976
e1 robust NA 0.5065608 0.1622952 mean -0.3166142 0.6412047
e1 truncated NA 0.5409107 0.2021199 mean -0.4457768 0.8500166
e1 ordinal reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.1493229 mean -0.2974109 0.6274117
e2 bootstrap NA NA 0.2375279 mean -0.2477667 0.7425197
e2 t-test 0.9498784 0.3435891 0.2375279 mean -0.2562726 0.7313285
e2 wilcoxon 3697.0000000 0.2499520 0.0000058 Hodges–Lehmann -0.0000405 0.9999722
e2 beta reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.1969086 mean -0.3028945 0.6892134
e2 beta regression 0.8077980 0.4192069 0.0858581 log odds ratio -0.1224598 0.2941760
e2 ordinal reg NA 0.2479728 0.3239302 log odds ratio -0.2256227 0.8734831
e2 robust NA 0.2539994 0.2658205 mean -0.1909198 0.7225608
e2 truncated NA 0.5313862 0.2134473 mean -0.4549578 0.8818523
e2 ordinal reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.2609498 mean -0.1929479 0.7012135
e3 bootstrap NA NA -0.1250000 mean -0.5962644 0.3140045
e3 t-test -0.5345334 0.5936570 -0.1250000 mean -0.5865553 0.3365553
e3 wilcoxon 3648.0000000 0.4954543 -0.0000206 Hodges–Lehmann -0.9999611 0.0000035
e3 beta reg (Bayes) NA NA -0.0780379 mean -0.5545330 0.3892573
e3 beta regression -0.3401215 0.7337650 -0.0331576 log odds ratio -0.2242297 0.1579144
e3 ordinal reg NA 0.4941384 -0.1839185 log odds ratio -0.7111257 0.3432888
e3 robust NA 0.5192592 -0.1486377 mean -0.6006625 0.3033872
e3 truncated NA 0.7068860 -0.1070935 mean -0.6652748 0.4510878
e3 ordinal reg (Bayes) NA NA -0.1479609 mean -0.5556217 0.2641531
e4 bootstrap NA NA 0.9250000 mean 0.4250000 1.3875000
e4 t-test 3.9320715 0.0001328 0.9250000 mean 0.4598477 1.3901523
e4 wilcoxon 4205.5000000 0.0003968 0.9999774 Hodges–Lehmann 0.0000513 1.0000109
e4 beta reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.8675340 mean 0.3785523 1.3324362
e4 beta regression 3.7611663 0.0001691 0.3792764 log odds ratio 0.1816334 0.5769194
e4 ordinal reg NA 0.0004008 1.0401772 log odds ratio 0.4642013 1.6161531
e4 robust NA 0.0016399 0.8255227 mean 0.3116634 1.3393820
e4 truncated NA 0.0037414 0.8304402 mean 0.2690285 1.3918520
e4 ordinal reg (Bayes) NA NA 0.7433414 mean 0.3269262 1.1717870